
What are “Piss Ants” in Phoenix, AZ

Guaranteed Pest Control Gilbert AZ

Facts About “Piss Ants”

The smallest Ant in the Phoenix Valley is the Rover Ant. Rover Ants are often referred to as “Piss Ants” because they’re a little over 1 mm long!

Piss Ants {Rover Ants} are common household invaders in the Phoenix AZ Valley. They’re tiny {just bigger than 3 grains of salt} black, like to live in walls, and are a frustrating infestation! Raid & other insect sprays kill piss ants on contact, but cannot effectively eliminate the colony. Residents often get frustrated after spending money & time treating these ants themselves over and over with over.

Fun Fact: An ant can lift 20 times its own body weight. If a 175-pound man had the comparative strength of an ant, he could lift four tons!

Pest Control for Piss Ants

Good things come to those who bait! Our expert pest control Techs know that professional baits must be used. These baits allows “piss ants” to live long enough to bring it back to their colonies…..effectively targeting the entire Rover Ant colony – guaranteed.

Schedule Here or Call 480-924-4111 or 623-455-5460

Responsible Pest Control Mesa- Family & Pet friendly Pest Control in Phoenix, Mesa, Scottsdale, Chandler, Gilbert, Queen Creek, Maricopa, & surrounding areas.

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