
How Monsoon Season Affects Scorpion Control in AZ

phoenix pest control monsoon

Monsoons & Scorpion Control

Scorpion Control is challenging enough, but Monsoon season brings new obstacles to effectively controlling scorpions and other desert pests! 

Monsoon Season’s Here

Monsoon season is here, And we’re not complaining! Cooler temps brought by MONSOONS are more than welcome during the HOT summers in the Phoenix Valley, but sometimes monsoon rains causes problems. Keep Pests Controlled during Monsoon Season in Phoenix Valley areas with the pro’s at Responsible Pest Control!

The official starting of monsoon season is June 15th but we usually don’t have Monsoons till July. Monsoon storms can dump SO MUCH water that they completely flood out yards, and recent pest & scorpion control treatments. Although we LOVE how Monsoons drop the temperature during the summer, they also cause an influx of pest activity because of extra moisture.


"Guaranteed control."

At Responsible Pest Control, we understand that Monsoons happen, and we honor our Guarantee no matter what!

Our specialized products are made to withstand the scorching Phoenix sun, and rain. But sometimes monsoon rains are more like floods. If your yard gets totally flooded, let the waters drain and give us a call! We’ll get you on the schedule for a re-treatment right away, at no cost to you!

Scorpions and other pests really thrive with all the monsoon moisture, but do not fear! Responsible Pest Control GUARANTEES your pest & scorpion control no matter the weather!

az pest control guaranteeHave no fear! If you ever have any bug invasion between services {for any reason} just give us a jingle and consider it done. We will get you on the schedule for a re-treat right away at no cost to you.

Despite all best efforts with regular pest control services, monsoon season and other weather behaviors can cause an influx of scorpions & other pests. Dust storms can cover up barriers that were applied only weeks prior. Monsoon rains can flood out treated yards giving pests the moisture they thrive in, and diluting previous treatments.

All pests reproduce faster with more moisture. Monthly or Bi-monthly scorpion & pest control services keep that protective barrier around your home and yard even through Monsoon Season! If you ever have a pest invasion between regular services, please give us a call or send us an email or text and we’ll get you on the schedule for a retreat right away – at no cost to you! Keep pests under control during the Phoenix Monsoon Season with the professionals at Responsible Pest Control!


Scorpions & Termites During Monsoon Season

Monsoon rains bring Scorpion & Termite problems in Phoenix AZ! We love Monsoon season for the relief in temperatures it brings, and it’s been another awesome Monsoon season in Phoenix Valley areas. We thoroughly enjoy all the rain! But we’re not the only ones that like all that cool rain…

phoenix pest controlPests LOVE the moisture Monsoon rains bring too! Scorpions thrive where there is moisture, and monsoon rains also support roaches and crickets which scorpions love to eat! But Termites also THRIVE in the moisture for other reasons!

Scorpions and Termites aren’t the only ones… Mosquitoes, Roaches, Crickets, EARWIGS and other pests also flourish in the monsoon moisture. But, Scorpions and Termites are the ones we get calls about the most 😉

Phoenix Termite ControlMonsoon season is Termite season, because all those buckets of cool water soften the desert soil making an inviting environment for subterranean termites to surface, feed and mate! Subterranean Termites in the Phoenix Valley live deep underground, and come up especially in areas with moist soil, to eat cellulose contained in wood products.

Monsoon season gives subterranean termites, in the usually dry Phoenix Desert, the moisture they THRIVE in! Keep an eye out for “mud tubes” on any part of your home. They can be coming down from the ceiling, on your concrete foundation walls, or on any wall inside or outside of your home. This is also the season termites “SWARM”. Swarming termites are starting new colonies, and are identified by their wings. Sometimes flying termites look like little flying ants. If you see anything questionable, call for a Termite Inspection!


Providing EFFECTIVE Scorpion Control in Phoenix, Mesa, Chandler, Gilbert, Scottsdale, Queen Creek and surrounding areas.

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