4 main species of roaches throughout the Phoenix AZ Valley & 5 step pest control process.
The most common roaches throughout the Phoenix Valley are American and German Roaches. Roaches are considered a public health threat because they cause asthma and allergies, and because they feed and breed in unsanitary places (like sewers, septic tanks, and garbage storage) from which they spread disease causing bacteria.
#1 American roaches
American Roaches are the most common roach in the Phoenix Valley
{American Roaches are also called “sewer roaches” because they are the most common species of roaches found in Sewers in the USA.} These roaches are controlled with monthly or bi-monthly Pest Control Service.
- 1&3/8″ – 2&1/8″ long.
- Reddish brown color
- Male & Female are fully winged.
- They can fly short distances.
- Found Inside and Outside homes and buildings.
- They love commercial buildings like restaurants, food processing facilities, and grocery/liquor stores.
- Over 5000 American Roaches have been found in 1 sewer manhole.
- They enter through: sewer systems, catching a ride inside on something, doors, and windows.
- They feed on lots of things, but love fermenting food.
#2 German Roaches
What may seem like 1 German Roach can explode into a huge Infestation in Homes and Business
Unfortunately, anyone can get German Roaches; it doesn’t matter how clean you are. These little roaches are like bombs waiting to go off. One little roach can hitch a ride on anything, and the situation just explodes from there… suddenly your infested, and overrun with roaches! They feed on everything from human hair to wall paper, and They’ve built up a resistance to many pesticides! Battling German Roaches can be extremely frustrating, and professional Pest Control is required for Control.
- They are common in cardboard box packaging, and on shipped goods. German Cockroaches can also crawl right onto you, in an infested home or restaurant, and be brought home with you.
- Adult female German Roaches can be fertilized just once, and reproduces the rest of her life! German Cockroaches reproduce quickly, almost like an explosion!! Every female German Roach can produce 5-8 egg sacks with 30-48 eggs inside. German Roach eggs can hatch in only 50-60 days! Unfortunately for us Arizonans, roaches do best in warm and a bit humid conditions. Scary, but true. Because roaches are active at night, spotting one of these little nightmares during the day is a sign of a much bigger problem!
- Adults measure 1/2″ – 5/8″ long.
- Color is light brown to Tan, and they have two dark paralleled lines running down the back side of their heads.
- German Roaches rarely fly.
Schedule Online, or Call 602-334-4831.
#3 Oriental Roaches
Oriental Cockroaches are easily controlled with regular pest control treatments.
Oriental Cockroaches are easily controlled with regular pest control treatments.
Oriental Cockroaches aren’t the most common roaches in Phoenix Arizona metro areas, but do live in our desert yards & can infest homes.
- Adult males are about 1″ & adult females are 1 1/4″ long.
- Color is shiny black (color may vary to a dark reddish brown)
- Male wings cover 75% of their body.
- Female wings are much smaller and like in the picture above look more like wing pads.
- Adult Oriental Roaches do not fly.
- Oriental Roaches live outside.
- They like to be under debris, rocks, and in wall/porch voids.
- Oriental Roaches can survive long periods of freezing weather.
- Enter homes/building through: old door sweeps, under sliding glass doors, on utility pipes, on air ducts, & through floor drains.
- Oriental Roaches have a strong “Roachy” odor.
- They feed on filth, and decaying matter.
Turkestan Roaches (by: D. H. Gouge)
#4 Turkestan Roaches
We also have Turkestan Cockroaches here in Phoenix Metro areas.
- Adults males are 1/2″-7/8″ & Females are 3/4″- 1″ long.
- Males are brownish yellow – blond.
- Males have wings covering their body.
- Turkestan Cockroaches are also common in sewers, and can carry bacteria that causes dysentery.
- Females are dark brown to black.
- Females wings are very short with basal outer edger pale.
- Can Infest indoors and outside
Responsible Pest Control is a great service! We had a pest problem that another pest company could not deal with… They actually were treating for the wrong type of bug. So we hired Responsible Pest Control, and they took care of the problem in just 3 services.”Written by: Rebecca SPhoenix Rat ControlDate published: 12/31/20144.9 / 5 stars
Pest Control for Cockroaches is a 5 Step Process Including Prevention, Sanitation, Identification, Pest Control Clean Out, and Follow-up Maintenance.
- Prevention – Inspect all items brought into home for roaches and their egg cases, and keep your home or building in good repair.
- Good Sanitation – Keeping things clean and in good repair reduces harboring areas, food sources, and moisture that roaches need to thrive.
- Identification – Correct cockroach identification is key to effective control! Each species has thier own habits that are used against them in effective pest control applications.
- Initial Pest Control Clean Out – Depending on the species being treated, this may include baits, IGR’s {insect growth regulators,} crack and crevice treatment with liquid spray, dusting in voids {like inside walls}.
- Follow Up maintenance services – This is key to continual control {especially in commercial establishments prone to infestations.} Includes, ongoing inspections, monitoring traps to find missed roaches or roaches that have just been introduced, and treating upon pests found.
Schedule Online, or Call 602-334-4831.
Delivering Pest Control for Roaches in Mesa, Phoenix, Glendale, Scottsdale, Chandler, Gilbert, Queen Creek, Maricopa, & surrounding areas.