
How to Identify Bark Scorpions in Arizona

Scorpion Pest Control

Scorpion Pest ControlIdentify a Bark Scorpion

Learn how to identify Bark Scorpions! There are more than 30 different species of scorpions throughout the Phoenix, AZ Valley. The most venomous are Bark Scorpions.


Physical Identification


Behavioral Identification

Scorpions in Arizona, including Bark Scorpions, live all year long, and survive the coldest temperatures our desert has. Bark Scorpions are the only scorpions that are willing to co exist with other scorpions. In the winter, Bark Scorpions actually gather in large groups to nest!

Unless you’re a scientist or don’t have a magnifying glass handy, the easiest way to tell if what you have is a Bark Scorpion is by watching its behavior!

Bark Scorpion by Juliea Huffaker

The Bark Scorpion will lay its tail down – parallel to the surface it is on {but still curled up} while waiting for prey to come along.

Other scorpion species in Phoenix AZ actually keep their tail up above their backs while resting.

Can scorpions climb walls? Yes, Bark Scorpions love to climb {they climb trees bushes, stucco siding, block walls, interior walls, etc} and often position themselves upside down.

Bark Scorpions are nocturnal, and attracted to moist areas that are cool, and areas with an air flow. That’s why Bark Scorpions love cracks of block wall fences, and inside homes.


Inside Homes, Bark Scorpions Are Often Found:


Outside, Bark Scorpions Are Found:

Baby Bark Scorpion Phoenix AZ

Baby Bark Scorpion Phoenix AZ

Bark Scorpions are active at night, so during the heat of the day they’ll hide inside and under objects to help prevent water loss.

The most common Bark Scorpion species in the U.S. is the Striped Bark Scorpion, do not confuse with Arizona Bark Scorpions. Striped Bark Scorpions have been reported in Arkansas, Illinois, Colorado, Louisiana, Kansas, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Texas! Centruroides sculpturatus, called Arizona Bark Scorpions are the most venomous scorpion in the U.S. Depending on the reaction of victims, stings from the Arizona Bark Scorpions are sometimes life-threatening.

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