SPIDERS in Mesa & Phoenix AZ Valley
Spiders in Phoenix AZ Valley
Spiders in Phoenix AZ Valley
Slug Pest Control You wouldn’t think slugs could live in the desert, but surprisingly they do. The name “slug” refers to the way they move so slowly. They like to shelter during the heat of the day under boards, logs, stones, low vegetation, mulch, and litter. Slugs are generally considered a nuisance pest, but they […]
Tick Control Ticks are making a big comeback in the Phoenix Valley.
Prevent Bedbug Infestations In Your Home By Inspecting ALL Hotel Rooms You Stay In! You are looking for groups of dark spots, Bedbugs {bed bugs look like ticks before they feed, and are a rust color} Bedbug eggs {look like small grains of rice} and cast skins {skin left behind after bed bugs MOLT} of […]
Pest Control for ANTS in Phoenix AZ Treatment for Ants depends on the species of ant, areas infested, and type of products being applied. Many times bait is required to totally eliminate a colony…. Baits are taken back to the colony as food, thus eliminating the entire colony in just a few days.
Why Bees Must Be Removed Before Sealing DO NOT seal a hole to Control Bee’s… They must be removed first! Upon discovery of Bees going in and out of a hole in a wall, many homeowners often seal that hole to try to control Bees on their own… NOT a good idea! Bees can LIVE […]
Africanized Bees In Phoenix Valley Africanized Bees in Arizona swarm frequently to build new colonies, and build hives in unique places. Hives have been found built in places like: trash cans, tires, crates, boxes, empty cars, underground, trees, etc. Africanized Honey Bees defend their colony by attacking when they’re threatened… And they’re EASILY provoked! Africanized […]
Cockroaches Are All Around Not much is more disgusting than discovering Roaches living among us! Because roaches thrive outside in our desert. Providing Pest Control for Roaches in Scottsdale AZ ! Responsible Pest Control service eliminates infesting Cockroaches and prevents future infestations with regular services ~ Guaranteed! AZ Roaches love our warm temperatures, and the […]
Praying Mantis are Natural Pest Controllers! We love the Praying Mantis for more than just 1 reason! Praying Mantis help control other pests in your yard and garden as they feed on other insects like: Crickets Moths Grasshoppers Flies Aphids Mosquitoes Roaches Fun Fact: The Praying Mantis is the only creature that can rotate its […]
Foodservice Pest Control Kitchens are attractive gathering places for family, and often for pests too!! Cockroaches, Fruit Flies, Mice, Rats, & Pantry Pests can spread bacteria and contaminate your Kitchen! Delivering GUARANTEED Pest Control for kitchens and food storage areas! Cockroaches You probably know Cockroaches are a major cause allergies & Asthma. Do you know […]